The indica starch pregelatinized by microwave as raw material, the effect of ultrasonic auxiliary-dual enzyme method and seed induced-dual enzyme method on the structure and physicochemical properties of indica rice resistant starch of type RS3 were researched in this study. The results showed that the structure of the raw starch was polyhedron, the edge of the surface was distinct, the crystal form was type A, and the crystallinity was only 8.9%. While the structure of RS3 were made by ultrasonic auxiliary-dual enzyme method and seed induced-dual enzyme method became rough and uneven, the solubility, swelling degree and water holding capacity were decreased, the crystal forms were dense and stable type B or type B+V, and the highest crystallinity was 20.10%. There was no new functional group was formed during the formation process of RS3 and their chemical structure has not changed. The enzyme addition sequence showed that pullulanase was added before isoamylase better to promote starch crystal formation of ordered structure.
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Mengyun, OUYANG; Yan, WANG; and Chuanwen, ZHAO
"Effect of preparation method on physical and chemical properties of indica rice resistant starch of type RS3,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
8, Article 4.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.08.004
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