

The influence of quality of apricot plum by boiling permeating sugar, vacuum permeating sugar and ultrasonic permeating sugar were investigated, and the regression equation of sensory evaluation was established in this study. The Xinjiang Cemaiti apricot was used to study the difference of sugar content, shearing force and chromatic aberration, comparing among apricots prepared by 3 kinds of permeating sugar method. The optimum process was calculated and the regression equation was evaluated by stepwise regression method. The results showed that the content of sugar in the apricot was increased with the cooking times, the degree of vacuum and the ultrasonic power, and the difference was significant (P<0.05). Moreover, the boiled sugar was the highest score calculated by fuzzy mathematics. Additionally, the raito of the stepwise regression equation to sensory evaluation value was 0.02 × sugar content + 0.02 × total color difference -0.04 × shear force +0.82. We could conclude that the sensory evaluation equation of apricot was influenced by the hardness, sugar content and the color difference.

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