Camellia osmantha is a new species found in Guangxi Province. In this study the oil quality was measured compared with other camellia species in respect of iodine value, saponification value, fatty acid, triglyceride composition and other attributes. Acid value, peroxide value, iodine value and saponification value of tested samples ranged as 0.38~1.47 mg/g, 2.15~4.56 mmol/kg, 79.39~85.86 g/100 g and 187.97~196.37 mg/g, respectively. The acid value and iodine value of C. osmantha were 0.42 mg/g and 2.98 mmol/kg that reached Grand one of Oil-tea camellia seed oil standard. Thirteen kinds of triglycerides were detected and the fatty acid contents were as followed: C18:1, 77%~85%; C18:0, 6%~11%; C18:1, 3%~11%; C16:0, 2%~4%; C18:2, 0.5%~0.8%. It was found that C. osmantha could be a good clustering and quite different compared with other similar species through statistics analysis.
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Bolin, CHEN; Haiyan, ZHONG; Guiqing, LI; Xiaoyang, ZHU; and Qizhi, LONG
"Comparison of oil characteristics between Camellia osmantha and other camellia species,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
9, Article 10.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.09.010
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