The effects of selenium germanium yeast on the deposition of selenium and germanium and the quality of Yanbian cattle beef were studied. Test results showed that: selenium enriched germanium yeast could significantly increase the accumulation of selenium and germanium in the striploin and rump. With the increase of the amount of selenium-enriched germanium yeast, the deposition amount of selenium and germanium in Yanbian cattle beef also increased, and the brightness value, pH, TVB-N and drip loss decreased during storage. Red value is on the rise.
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Wanzhu, ZHAO; Yigang, GAO; Zengkai, WANG; Shuai, YU; Guanhao, LI; and Yingchen, XUAN
"Effects of selenium-enriched germanium yeast on quality of Yanbian cattle beef meat during storage,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
9, Article 29.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.09.029
Available at:
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