With the development of media, the role of media in the supervision of food safety industry is becoming more and more important, and the impact of media to the subject of supervision and regulation is also growing. Based on the existing literature, this paper elaborates the influence of media regulation on consumers, enterprises and government. To consumers, the media regulation can transmit food safety knowledge and improve the bad condition of information asymmetry; to government, the media regulation can make up the shortages of the government supervision; to enterprises, the media regulation can improve their production behavior. However, the media regulation has its disadvantages. The study clarify the role of the media in food safety supervision and put forward a way to improve media supervision behavior.
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Shouyao, XIONG; Zhiwei, DU; Yu, CAO; Jingheng, NING; Qijie, CHEN; and Jianhui, WANG
"The influence of media supervision on food safety administration,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
9, Article 43.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.09.043
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