

The research was done in order to evaluate the effect of D-3-Phenyllactic acid (D-PLA) on preservation of grape and provide reference for SO2-free storage of table grapes. ‘Kyoho’ grapes were treated through post-harvest dipping before room temperature storage so that inhibitory potentials of microbial population on fruit surface were evaluated avoiding the fruit decay . The results showed that compared with the two control groups of purified water soakage and coating treatment, the D-PLA combined with coating treatment could effectively inhibit the growth of microorganism on fruit surfaces. It was found that the bacterial population were reduced by 99% and 99.3% respectively(P<0.05), and the mould population were reduced by 75% and 94.17% respectively (P<0.05). Moreover, the yeast population were found reduced by 98.13% and 97.45% respectively(P<0.05), and the coliform population on fruit surfaces of the D-PLA combined with coating treatment were also suppressed. Consquently, the fruit decay rate of the D-PLA combined with coating treatment was reduced by 20.65% and 23.68%(P<0.05)at the end of room temperature storage. These findings indicated the D-PLA combined with coating treatment was much better than individual coating treatment on antisepsis and the fresh-keeping of the grape, and D-PLA has a great application potential in its biological preservation field.

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