

Due to the global trend of food trade, food safety has become the focus of global attention, and the establishment of the credibility of China's food industry, international co-governance has become the consensus of China's food safety assurance. However, in order to promote the international Co-governance of food safety in China smoothly, it is still facing a series of challenges, such as the absence of corresponding international co-governance mechanism, the inconsistency of international food safety standards and the need to improve the cooperation between government and enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to Learning from the mature and advancing Model of the "three Trials in one" Mechanism of Environmental Justice in China, through the establish an international food safety co-governance organization, actively promote the unification of international food safety standards and ensure the safety of import and export food through close cooperation between government and enterprises, so as to promote the smooth realization of international food safety co-governance in China, to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

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