

In order to classify the use direction of different strip sizes of tobacco in cigarette products and improve the value of tobacco leaves, the middle and upper matching module of robust flavor style flue-cured tobacco leaves were used to analyze the quality variation characteristics among different strip sizes of from aspects of chemical component, neutral aroma substances and sensory evaluation. The results indicated that: ① The contents of total sugar, reducing sugar, potassium, nicotine, the ratio of sugar and nicotine, nitrogen and nicotine, the total sensory evaluation score and the scores of sensory indexes except irritant among different strip sizes had significant or extremely significant differences. ② The strips of 25.40~42.00 mm that can replace the higher grade tobacco leaves had highest content of sugar, ratio of sugar and nicotine and lowest contents of protein, the evaluation score of chemical components, the contents of neutral aroma substances, and the sensory evaluation score were all higher than the other sizes and Mix. ③ The chemical components evaluation score, the content of neutral aroma substances, and the sensory evaluation score of 2.36~6.35 mm are all the lowest. ④ The strips of bigger than 42.00 mm have highest content of potassium, ratio of potassium and chlorine, and the overall quality only lower than 25.40~42.00 mm. ⑤ The leaves of different strip sizes by sieved can be reclassified used for widening the scope and improving the value of tobacco leaves.

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