

The paper focuses on the changes of the ginseng’s function with radiation. Under the dose of 1~6 kGy of 60Co-γ ray, the preservation rate of fresh ginseng significantly increased by 20% to 30%, while up to 98% when combining with other method and meanwhile reduce consumption of energy, which surely has a great advantage over the general dry treatment. Besides preservation after 10 kGy irradiation ginsenoside Rb1 significantly reduced, 21 kGy irradiation resulting in the damage of C—O—H functional units of the pyran ring aldohexose and new chemical composition, 30 kGy irradiation will cause a partial conversion from ginsenoside Rb1 to ginsenoside Rg3, but at the same time vitamins and other heat-sensitive compounds have been destroyed. But because of the significant enhancement of the content of Rg1, Rg3, Rh1, Rh2, Rh4 and CK after irradiation, which can enhance immunity of body to the virus, relieve Alzheimerin mouse model by improving the pathology of amyloid and activation of PKA/CREB signaling pathway thus play a neuroprotective role; inhibit the growth of VGF, which reduce the thrombosis caused by malignant aggregation of platelets and play a role in anti-cancer; down-regulate lipogenic and inflammatory genes to alleviate the occurrence of obesity and hypercholesterolemia; promote insulin sensitivity, which improve insulin resistance, improve glucose uptake and thus reduce fast blood glucose levels in diabetic subjects. As for toxicity of ginseng after irradiation, no accumulation of toxicity, abnormal toxicity and genotoxicity was found.

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