

Effects of six drying methods were evaluated, including vacuum freeze, hot air drying, microwave pretreatment and ultrasonic pretreatment drying on six indexes of drying dynamics characteristics, color, polyphenol content, total flavonoid content, polysaccharides content and antioxidant activity of Boletus edulis. The results showed that the smallest color changes were detected in materials treated under vacuum freeze drying, while the most significant color change was observed under microwave pretreatment drying. Boletus edulis treated under vacuum freeze drying showed significantly higher amount in total flavonoids, polyphenol, polysaccharides contents and stronger antioxidant activity than the other samples. Taking the cost into account, 60 ℃ hot air drying method is the best choices because they had good performance in maintaining color and active components in Boletus edulis.

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