Through the analysis of European and American fashion products the intelligentization and the latest achievements in the design and manufacture of the Internet of Things (LOT) intelligently infer and predict the application and future development of the intelligent design and manufacturing of the ceramic packaging container industry. The combination of traditional handicrafts and contemporary technology has transformed the traditional one-way production into the benign cycle of design, production, warehousing, sales, logistics, service artificial intelligence and IoT systems, greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of operations, and making them personal and Limited customization has become an important development direction in the future; however, smart technology is only an effective means of design. Good ceramic packaging containers must also be integrated into emotional experience and value orientation.
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Yushan, ZHANG and Weiming, WEN
"Intelligent design and intelligent manufacturing of ceramic packaging containers in the era of IOT,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
12, Article 19.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.12.019
Available at:
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