According to the phenomenon that fresh cut water chestnut was easily oxidized and degraded during storage, a kind of compound preservative solution was studied to preserve fresh-cut chufa. The fresh-cut chufa were pretreated with salt, white sugar, white vinegar and other solutions, and then stored at room temperature (25 ℃). The color, hardness, weight loss, electrical conductivity, polyphenol oxidase activity, soluble solids and total phenol content, odor and bagging were then evaluated in specific period of time. Orthogonal test was carried out on the basis of single factor experiment. The results showed that the best preservative solution was 80 g/L+ salt concentration of 3 g/L + white vinegar concentration of 100 g/L + soaking time 15 min, compared with the control group, the freshness-retaining period of the fresh-cut chufa was longer than 6 days.
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Jinxin, WANG; Fuxin, YANG; and Wanfang, SI
"Effect of compound preservative solution on freshness-retaining of fresh-cut chufa,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
12, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.12.027
Available at:
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