

A large amount of reusable potato residues were obtained from starch production, and its compressibility had great effect on the production process selection and the design of equipment. The compressibility of potato residue was experimentally studied, and the stress-strain curve was measured and regressed. The results showed that the potato residue experienced three stages of being loose, transitional and tight during the compression, and the parameters, related to the compressibility, were obtained, such as bulk modulus and specific energy consumption. In the study, the compressibility and energy consumption under different compression rates and different feed quantities were also analyzed, and the results indicates that potato residue could have good compressibility until it was compressed to the transition stage (the density is 750~1 150 kg/m3). This was due to the low pressure and low specific energy consumption. When potato residue was compressed to the same strain, the compression rate was related to the pressure, specific energy consumption and the feed quanity. Therefore, compressing to the density of transitional stage and adjusting feed quantity could help to improve the compressibility of potato residue, both for increasing production efficiency and reducing energy consumption, and its pretreatment process would be optimized finally.

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