

In this study, we established multicomponent trans-fatty acids(TFAs) synchronous detection method, and on this basis the content of various components of TFAs from 38 batches of commercial infant formula farina was investigated. The results showed the average content of TFAs in infant formula farina was 0.749 3 mg/g, and the overall content was low. The TFAs total content was within a range of 0.04~1.0 mg/g in approximately 76.3% of samples. The main component was C18:1-11T, C19:1-7T, C18:3-9T/12T/15T, C18:1-9T and C18:2-9,12TT. Moreover, we found that the ingredient formula and processing technology were two main factors that could fluctuate the TFAs content in infant formula farina.

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