The ethanol content of beverages was measured by two methods, the static headspace gas chromatography and the traditional method of gas chromatography after distillation, using TG-WAXMS chromatographic column. The two methods had good linear relationship in the volume fraction of ethanol ranging from 0.01% to 5.00%. In traditional distillation method, the detection limit of volume fraction of ethanol was 0.003%, and the detection limit of static headspace was 0.001%. The results showed that due to the complicated pre-treatment processes, the recovery rate of the gas chromatography after traditional distillation was relatively low (83%~91%). While the method of direct determination of ethanol in the beverage by static headspace method was simple, and kept the ethanol stable during the detection. The recovery rate was between 97% and 100%.
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Guotong, CHEN; Qiongling, MAO; Shurui, ZUO; Junyu, CHEN; Aixia, WANG; and Jiali, SHAO
"Determination the content of ethanol in low alcohol beverages by gas chromatography,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
2, Article 13.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.02.013
Available at:
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