

Non-GM(O) label is widely used on food in our country. The existence of information asymmetry increase the risk of misuse of non-GM(O) label,while the market mechanism itself can not regulate the misuse. In China,the legislation regulating the non-GM(O) label is not specific, thus misuse of non-GM(O) label was generally not considered to be illegal in judicial decision. Existing research mainly focuses on non-GM(O ) advertising instead of non-GM(O) label. By contrast, there are specific legislation which restrict the scope of food on which the non-GM(O) label can be used in Germany, Japan and the United States. The use of Non-GM(O) label is comprehensively regulated through certain authentication management systems which guarantee the identification of food with non-GM(O) label, and the forms of Non-GM(O) label are unified to maintain a single market and avoid the misundestanding of comsumers. The competent authority in China should draw lessons from their common experiences. Special laws and regulations regarding use of non-GM(O) label are supposed to be enacted in China, and the requirements of the non-GM(O) label form should be detailed. Specialized non-GM(O) food certification system which will be managed by the State Food and Drug Administration, is needed to established.

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