Technology is an important support factor for food safety and plays an important role in controlling food safety risks and ensuring food safety. In recent years, support for food safety R&D in China has been significantly strengthened, and the supporting role of food safety technology has been continuously promoted. From the basic research, R&D of common technology and equipments, and whole controlling of food chain, this article comprehensively expounds the achievements of food safety science and technology innovation in China, analyzes the problems still existing in food safety science and technology, and summarizes the international experience of food safety science and technology innovation and development aims to provide reference for the innovation development of food safety science and technology in China.
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Mingwu, ZANG; Yingjie, MO; Shuo, WANG; Fang, CHEN; Jing, WANG; Xiaoman, LI; and Wei, HOU
"Innovation status and prospect of food safety science and technology in China,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
3, Article 1.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.03.001
Available at:
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