In order to obtain the effects of three fresh-keeping modes including the atmosphere controlling fresh-keeping mode, refrigera-ted-humidified fresh-keeping mode and refrigerated fresh-keeping mode on the quality of flowering Chinese cabbage in transportation,the fresh-keeping transportation experiments for flowering Chinese cabbage were carried out applied transportation compartment of multi fresh-keeping modes as experiment platform. The results indicated that, for the transportation within 2 days, the quality of 3 kinds of fresh-keeping modes had no significant difference (P>0.05), and they could maintain flowering Chinese cabbage better quality. For the transportation more than 2 days, controlled atmosphere fresh-keeping mode and refrigerated-humidified fresh-keeping mode could significantly (P<0.05) inhibited water loss and decay, but the inhibition of TSS and Vitamin C decomposition was not obvious. For the transportation more than 4 days, the quality of controlled atmosphere fresh-keeping mode and refrigerated-humidified fresh-keeping mode had little difference, and they were better than the quality of refrigerated fresh-keeping mode obviously, in conclusion, any kind of three fresh-keeping modes was appropriate for the transportation within 4 days. However, both of controlled atmosphere refrigerated-humidified fresh-keeping modes was appropriate for the transportation more than 4 days.
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Songxia, YANG; Enli, LU; Lixue, ZHU; and Junhong, ZHAO
"Effects of the fresh-keeping modes on quality of flowering Chinese cabbage under simulated transportation,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
3, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.03.027
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