Compared with chopping method, the effect of stirring method on the gel properties of surimi products was studied. The results showed that this method of stirring-broken method increased the gel strength and water holding capacity of silver carp surimi, increased the hardness, adhesiveness, adhesiveness and chewiness, but had no effect on the whiteness. Under the conditions of 2% and 3% of salt addition, this kind of stirring-broken method had a significant effect on texture improvement of the surimi product, with the gel strength increasing by 70.2% and 66.7% respectively. The results of the content of salt-soluble protein, active sulfhydryl group, chemical reaction and turbidity of actomyosin showed that stirring-broken method increased the content of active sulfhydryl group, so that more sulfhydryl group oxidationed into disulfide bond to improve hydrophobic interactions, promoting the aggregation of protein molecules, resulting in increased turbidity of actomyosin, making the three-dimensional gel network more compact.
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Lei, WANG; Daming, FAN; Jianlian, HUANG; Jianxin, ZHAO; Bowen, YAN; Wenguo, ZHOU; Wenhai, ZHANG; and Hao, ZHANG
"Effect of different broken methods on gel structure of silver carpsurimi,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
3, Article 7.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.03.007
Available at:
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