

According to the characteristics of the roller during dry granulation process, the dry granulation roller mechanics model was established by Von Mises criterion. The model was solved and simplified to calculate its equivalent stress. The mechanical properties of the dry granulation roller were qualitatively analyzed theoretically. The 3D solid model of the squeeze roll was established by using SolidWorks software. The mechanical properties of the dry granulation roller were quantitatively analyzed by finite element software ANSYS Workbench. The theoretical analysis and simulation results showed that the deformation of the dry granulation roller was mainly concentrated along the width of the dry granulation roller in the range of 30~150 mm, and the maximum deformation occurred in the center of the dry granulation roller surface (z/a=0) with a deformation of 0.026 4 mm. The maximum stress of the dry granulation roller occurred at the depth of z/a=0.5 with the cylindrical layer at 43.2 MPa.

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