The dried day lily had ugly appearance about color because that the green of day lily had not been faded completely. In order to fade the green and improve the color quality of dried day lily, the lily was soaked with complex ripening agent for some time, then sealed with PVC plastic bags and stored at certain temperature for a period of time before the lily was dried, subsequently, the change of color and nutrient content of day lily were determined and analyzed. The results showed that fading green completely and better nutritional quality was obtained if day lily was treated by complex ripening agent with ampelopsis grossedentata and sealed with PVC plastic bags storing at 50 ℃ for 5 h, at the same time, Ampelopsis grossedentata was such plant with health functions that is safer than sodium metabisulfite and ethephon, which has greater practical value for large scale processing of dried day lily.
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Dawei, YANG
"Effects of compound ripening agent with ampelopsis grossedentata on color and nutritional quality of dried day lily,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
4, Article 31.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.04.031
Available at:
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