In order to understand the differences of volatile aroma components between distilled liquor obtained from different varieties of wine grapes in Xinjiang, the methods of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectro-metry (GC-MS) were used to investigate the aroma component in different kinds of distilled liquor. Distilled liquor was obtained from Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Italian Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon with Chardonnay blend and Chardonnay with Italian Riesling Blend. The differences were analyzed and compared, and the results showed as follows. The types and contents of volatile aroma components of distilled liquor obtained from different grape varieties, and a total of 78 volatile aroma components were detected in 5 wine samples. The portion of the ester, alcohol, acid, aldehyde, ketone and others were 44, 10, 4, 3, 2, and 15 respectively. In the blending samples of distilled liquor, some new aroma components were found produced with the retaining of their original aroma components. The results in this study laid basis for the future research and development of distilled liquor in Xinjiang.
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Liye, WANG; Peng, HUANG; Ruizhang, FENG; Yun, WU; and Yu, SONG
"Analysis of volatile aroma components of different breeds of grape distilled spirits in Xinjiang by HS-SPME/GC-MS,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
4, Article 4.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.04.004
Available at:
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