In order to analyze the correlation of the organizational structure and texture properties of fresh jujube fruits in Xinjiang,the three cultivars were studied as follows: Jun jujube, Hui jujube and Hami jujube. The results showed that the charateristics of Hui jujube, such as thickness of cuticle(6.34 μm), epidermis thickness(36.41 μm), epidermal cells(118.21 μm2), near epidermis cavity(9 160.98 μm2), near epidermal cells(892.71 μm2) and central cells(2 766.68 μm2) were smaller than that of Jun jujube and Hami jujube, there were significant differences in organizational structure except epidermal cells among the cultivars. While, skin puncture strength(1 700.30 g), fruit peel toughness(729.95 g瘙簚s), pulp firmness(1 132.20 g), pulp fiber index(17.05)and pulp initiation intensity(1 450.43 g) of Hui jujube were the highest, while the peel rupture was the smallest. In addition to the toughness of peel and the initial strength of pulp, the epidermal puncture intensity, the rupture distance of peel, the average firmness of pulp and the pulp fiber index showed significant difference among the three fresh jujubes. There were different correlation in keratinous thickness, epidermis thickness and central cavity between Jun jujube, Hui jujube and Hami jujube, while similar in epidermal puncture intensity and peel rupture and fruit toughness and pulp average firmness and pulp initiation intensity which showed a significant positive correlation. The correlations in texture properties and sensory evaluation of three cultivars above were consistent.
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Kai, CHEN; Tong, ZHOU; Mingqiang, XU; Bing, FU; Xin, MA; and Huanrong, LI
"Study on correlation between organizational structure and puncturing texture of jujube,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
5, Article 12.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.05.012
Available at:
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