

By filtering the white noise method to simulate the incentive model in food transportation, a conventional seven degree of freedom dynamic model for a foam material liner is established, and the vertical displacement and deflection displacement response of the food lining system under virtual excitation excitation are obtained. The MATLAB software is used to program the random Gauss white noise and filter, and the ode45 module is used to solve the differential equation of the system dynamics. The vertical vibration displacement of all legs is consistent. The numerical value is less than 0.007 5 m, the deflection angle between 0.006 0~0.007 8 rad and the vertical displacement response of transported food is lower than 0.006~0.007 m, which validates the cushioning characteristics of the cushioning pad under this working condition. Under the action of vibration and damping, the food integrity of transportation is effectively protected, and it is consistent with the linear trend and measured data, which achieves the purpose of pre operation simulation.

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