In order to study the mainstream smoke of the super slim cigarettes with perforation cigarette paper. The tar and nicotine deliveries on a puff-by-puff basis of the super slim cigarettes with different cigarette paper perforation parameters were measured under ISO and HCI regimes respectively. The results showed that: 1) Under ISO regime, tar deliveries of the perforation super slim cigarettes decreased, and there were no obvious variations of nicotine between the perforation cigarettes and the control samples. 2) Under HCI regime, tar and nicotine deliveries of perforation cigarettes increased, and the perforation had a negative effect on the total tar and nicotine deliveries of super slim cigarettes. 3) The tar growth rate of the first three puff showed that the variation tendency of tar release per puff under ISO regime was larger than that under HCI regime. 4) Under ISO regime, the total nicotine/tar ratios of perforation cigarettes were larger than that of the control samples. The total nicotine/tar ratio increased with the increase of perforation band under the same number of perforation, and the nicotine/tar ratio increased with the increases of the number of perforation under the same perforation band. There were no regular variation of the nicotine/tar ratio between perforation cigarettes and control samples under HCI regime.
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Hongmei, HE; Yuan, ZHANG; Huaiyuan, ZHU; Yadong, ZHUANG; Xiaomin, XIONG; and Xianjun, LIU
"Effect of smoking regimes on smoke release of super slim cigarettes with perforation paper,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
5, Article 43.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.05.043
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