The influence of the moisture content of the tobacco blend on physical, structural distribution of the tobacco blend, static burning rate, firecone falling, mainstream smoke release, as well as cigarette taste of the slim cigarette were investigated. The results showed that the tobacco blend constituent, firecone falling and cigarette taste were greatly influenced by the moisture content of the tobacco blend when that was between 11.5% to 13.8%. With the increasing of the moisture content of tobacco blend, its degrading resistant property of the tobacco blend became better and the coarse fraction of the tobacco blend constituent was dominating. With the increasing of the moisture content of the tobacco blend, the firecone falling ratio of the slim cigarette during smoking was obviously reduced and it was reduced from 65% to 30% when the moisture content increased from 11.5% to 12.9%. The wetter cigarette tasted weaker while the dryer cigarette tasted stronger. Besides, the hardness, the static burning rate and the mainstream smoke of the slim cigarette were slightly changed by increasing the moisture content of the tobacco blend. It was advised that the perfect moisture content of the tobacco blend is between 12.5% and 12.9% for the slim cigarette manufacture.
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Saibo, YU; Chao, TAN; Shitai, WANG; Xuemin, GUO; Yong, JIN; Hongmei, FAN; Haifeng, TAN; Ke, LI; Qian, CHEN; and Qi, LIU
"Influence of the moisture content of the tobacco blend on the slim cigarette,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
5, Article 44.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.05.044
Available at:
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