Pea starch was used as the raw material, and was treated with ultrasound of 0, 150, 300 and 450 W respectively to explore the effect of the ultrasonic treatment on pasting, rheological and textural properties of pea starch. The results showed that the effects of the ultrasonic treatment on the pasting, rheological and textural properties of pea starch were significant. With the increasing of the ultrasonic power, the peak viscosity, final viscosity, setback value and the breakdown value of the pea starch paste decreased significantly, which showed the cold stability and the thermal stability were improved;the consistency coefficient k of the system decreased and the fluid index n increased gradually, which showed the thixotropy decreased and the stability increased; the G′ and the G″ of the system decreased, and the tanδ increased, so that the viscoelastic decreased. In addition, the hardness, elasticity, cohesion, adhesion and chewiness of the pea starch gel after ultrasound showed a downward trend, the hardness and adhesion decreased the most significant among them. The results of scanning electron microscopy indicated that the ultrasonic effect caused the surface of the pea starch granule to appear potholes and creases, and some of the granule became incomplete.
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Wei, LI; Jiong, ZHENG; Yingheng, CHEN; and Fusheng, ZHANG
"Effect of ultrasound treatment on pasting, rheological and textural properties of pea starch,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
5, Article 7.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.05.007
Available at:
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