In this study, a set of real-time measuring device was designed based on LabVIEW virtual instrument technology to measure the fruit removal force, acquiring the signal of force, storing and displaying real-time data and etc. Wanshu 1, Changlin 1 and Dabieshan 1 were selected as experimental subjects. The diameter of the stalk and the geometric mean diameter and the degree of the ripeness of Camellia oleifera fruit were used as the experimental factors to design the orthogonal test. The fruit removal force of C. oleifera at different levels in three test factors was determined, and analyses about the relevant testing data based on SPSS software were conducted. The results showed that, there were significant differences in fruit removal force among different cultivars of camellia. The results of range and variance analysis of orthogonal test showed that degree of the ripeness was highly correlated to its fruit removal force. With the degree of the ripeness higher, the fruit removal force gradually decreased.
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Chengjian, XIE; Chengmao, CAO; Jiasheng, WU; and Delin, WU
"Design and experiment of camellia oleifera fruit-stalk separation force measuring device,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
6, Article 19.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.06.019
Available at:
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