

Heat-not-burn tobacco product, a novel tobacco product with low harmful substances deliveries, is developing rapidly under current severe tobacco control policies. To better understand the characteristics of heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco(HnB Recon), 3 different kinds of HnB Recon were collected, including papermaking process(PP), rolling process(RP), and slurry process(SP) HnB Recon, and studied systematically in microstructural, fiber shape, strength tensile, chemical constituents, smoke constituents and sensory quality. Results, the microstructure of PP HnB Recon which completely different from RP HnB Recon and SP HnB Recon, was a network consisted of different fibers twisted randomly, while the microstructure of RP HnB Recon and SP HnB Recon was unsmooth plane consisted of particle clusters, and their tensile strength was inversely proportional to their rupture elongation; The contents of water and glycerol were relatively high in 3 different HnB Recons, and they had the same trend as in corresponding smoke, and in a proportion relationship between HnB Recon and its corresponding smoke. The Tar (without glycerol) deliveries was much lower than traditional flue-cured cigarette; The sensory quality of RP HnB Recon and SP HnB Recon was similar, and better than that of PP HnB Recon.

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