

The protective effect of sea buckthorn procyanidins soft capsules on acute liver injury induced by alcohol in mice were investigated. The sea buckthorn procyanidins soft capsules were made from sea buckthorn seed extract, sea buckthorn oil and perilla seed oil. The procyanidins concentration was signature component, with regarding to the recommended daily intake (3 g/person/day) and average weight (60 kg) of an adult, the dosage for feeding mice is 0.05 g/kg·BW and is expanded to 10, 20, 30 times as low, medium and high level (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 g/kg· BW) in this study. The mice were intragastrically administered with corresponding drugs, respectively, for 30 days. Then 50% ethanol (14.0 mL/kg ·BW) was given to the mice 1 hour after the last administration. All the mice were sacrificed for 16 hours, and their liver samples were collected. The body weight and the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and triglyceride in liver tissues were measured.There was no significant difference on body weight in different groups of mice. However, the MDA, GSH and TG levels in liver tissue were significantly decreased by sea buckthorn procyanidins at the high dosage level.Sea buckthorn procyanidins soft capsule have protective effect on acute alcoholic liver injury.

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