

In recent years, the energy consumption of our country is becoming more and more serious, and the energy consumption of cold storage occupies a considerable proportion in that of all industries. Therefore, it has become more and more important to reduce the energy consumption of cold storage. The energy conservation, the efficient refrigerating system of three commonly used temperature range with -18 ℃ and above, -18 to -60 ℃, 60 ℃ to 100 ℃ was summarized in this review, respectively, and the single-stage compression cycle, two-stage compression cycle and cascade and auto cascade compression cycle several commonly used refrigeration cycle from the perspective of energy consumption were also analyzed and compared. In addition to the PLC control, and a variety of cold storage sensor, PC software automation technology were summarized, which led to the importance of cold storage and its automation control technology, and the future development trend of energy saving of cold storage was also proposed.

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