Fruits of Dateplum persimmon were dried to flours by five different drying methods, including hot-air drying, microwave drying, spray-drying, explosion puffing drying, vacuum freeze-drying, and the physical properties of the five powders were measured, such as wetting sinking time, dispersity, solubility, bulk density. The effects of different drying methods on D. persimmon powder quality characteristic was investigated. The Weight of Variation Coefficient were used to determine comprehensive score of the powders to determine the best method to dry. The results showed that the dispersibility, wet sinking ability, moisture absorption, solubility property of the five powders accounted for a larger proportion, which were represented 0.239, 0.236, 0.217, 0.168. Comprehensive score results showed that the best drying methods wasspray-drying, followed by vacuum freeze-drying, then explosion puffing drying and microwave drying, the hot-air drying worst, which were represented: 0.161, 0.026, -0.026, -0.06, -0.089, respectively. In conclusion, D.persimmon powder made by explosion puffing drying has better quality characteristic with high drying efficiency and low cost, which was suitable for industrial production.
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Xiaoquan, QIAO; Guangyue, REN; Meng, QIAO; Xu, DUAN; Ledao, ZHANG; Yingjie, LU; and Xiaoyu, TIAN
"Effects of different drying methods on the powder quality characteristic in Dateplum persimmon,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
8, Article 37.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.08.037
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