Based on the new achievements in the study of the trace components of traditional Chinese liquor, its sources and effects were systematically summarized for the first time. The main sources are three ways: catalytic reactions of microorganisms and enzymes during fermentation, chemical changes during storage, and chemical reactions of special components from raw materials, and which mainly playes three roles: the aroma and flavor-producing, style and aroma type-forming and physiological functions. In the future, the research focuses on the impact of raw materials on the trace components of traditional Chinese liquor, the construction and application of gene bacteria of high-yielding liquor main flavor components, and the in-depth study of liquor functional factors, providing a more complete theoretical basis for the comprehensive and profound understanding of Chinese liquor.
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Zhihua, CAO; Yougui, YU; and Hongmei, HE
"Sources and effects of trace components in traditional Chinese liquor,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 34:
9, Article 38.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2018.09.038
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