

In order to master the changing regulations of oxygen volume fraction in the controlled atmosphere transportation compartments, the air infiltration characteristics caused by the thermal pressure and wind pressure were analyzed, and then the influences of air infiltration to the oxygen volume fraction was researched, and the verification experiment was also carried out. The results shown that the theoretical value and experimental value of oxygen volume fraction in the compartment were basically identical, which indicated that the model of air infiltration model was accurate. Air infiltration was mainly caused by wind pressure, and the air infiltration volume was very small when thermal pressure functioned independently. When the vehicle speed is bigger, the the influence of thermal pressure to the total air infiltration volume is smaller. The oxygen volume fraction was increased slowly when the vehicle was parked, and the oxygen volume fraction increased rapidly in the transport. What's more, the more the air infiltration and loading rate, the faster the oxygen volume fraction increasing. This research provided a reference for optimizing the equipments of controlled atmosphere transportation.

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