

The changes of texture characteristics of Guangxi water buffalo meat buffalo meat was investigated during low temperature storage using texture profile analysis. Moreover, the correlation among various indexes of beef texture characteristics of buffalo meat was also analyzed. The results indicated that the hardness, elasticity, chewiness and adhesiveness of buffalo meat decreased continuously with the prolongation of storage time, but the cohesiveness of buffalo meat was increasing. During cryopreservation, there was a significantly positive correlation between the hardness of buffalo meat and characteristics of elasticity, adhesiveness, and chewiness (P<0.05), but no significant correlation between the cohesiveness of buffalo meat and others index was found (P>0.05). Under the control of three kinds of low temperature storage conditions, the texture characteristics of frozen buffalo meat at -60 ℃ were relatively slow, and the fresh-keeping effect was better than the storage at 4 ℃ and -18 ℃.

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