

Chickpeas and milk were used as raw materials, and the chickpea fermented milk was prepared by mixed strains of SL and LSB. The single factor and orthogonal experiment were used, and the processing conditions of chickpea fermented milk were optimized with sensory score. At the same time, the physical and chemical properties, rheological properties and nutritional composition of the product were determined, the shelf life of the product was determined by microbial index and sensory evaluation. The results showed that optimal conditions of fermented milk of SL strains were the immersing chickpeas time of 5 h, the inoculum doses of 6%, the fermentation temperature of 43 ℃, and the fermentation time of 8 h. Based on LSB strains fermented milk, the optimal conditions were immersing time of 5 h, the inoculum doses of 7%, fermentation temperature of 44 ℃, fermentation time of 10 h. With the optimal conditions for the preparation of two kinds of fermented milk, the sensory score were 92 and 95 respectively, and there was no significant difference in physical and chemical indexes and rheological properties between the two products. According to the sensory evaluation, the fermented milk prepared by LSB strain has unique flavor, rich nutrition and light taste. The product shelf life was determined for 21 d under 4 ℃.

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