This paper analyzed the current situation of food safety in China, and then put forward the idea of constructing ubiquitous food safety network in view of the outstanding problems faced at present, and through the integration of new technologies, designed the ubiquitous food safety network system architecture. The results show that the construction of ubiquitous food safety network can solve many problems such as information asymmetry faced by consumers, enterprises and regulators, which can further improve the level of food safety management in China, and has important reference significance for promoting the application of emerging technology industries in China.
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"Feasibility study on ubiquitous network in the field of food safety——Taking the construction of ubiquitous food safety network as an example,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 35:
11, Article 16.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2019.11.018
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