In order to classify the use direction of subcritical extraction technology in upper surplus tobacco of Henan, three upper surplus tobacco of Henan were used as materials and were extracted by dimethyl ether and butane, to evaluate the quality variation and characteristic of subcritical extraction sample from three aspects of conventional chemical component, mainstream smoke content and sensory quality, by normal sample as control. The result showed that: ① The subcritical extraction technique does not introduce extractant into the treatment of tobacco leaves. ② Subcritical extraction tobacco’s nitrogen, nicotine and protein content decreased significantly, and reach significant level with control, ratio of sugar and nicotine increased obviously and potassium changed little, the chemical comprehensive score of A1, A2, B1, B2 increased by control. ③ Subcritical extraction tobacco’s total grain phase, water, nicotine and protein content decreased significantly,carbonic oxide content decreased obviously, draw resistance and puff number changed little. ④ Each upper surplus tobacco’ s sensory evaluation score increased after subcritical extracting. ⑤ The chemical comprehensive score, result of reducing the tar and sensory evaluation score of upper surplus tobacco extracted by dimethyl ether were better than by butane. ⑥ Subcritical extraction technology could wide the scope and improve the value of upper surplus tobacco leaves.
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Qian, YAO; Yiqiong, MA; Xinzhong, WANG; Liangkun, CHENG; Jiuzhe, SUN; Wei, CHEN; Chao, LIU; Baolin, WANG; Bobo, MA; and Yongfeng, YANG
"Effect of subcritical extraction on quality of upper surplus tobacco leaves,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 35:
12, Article 31.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2019.12.031
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