

Using Pomegranate juice and Schisandra as raw materials, adding high activity yeast to optimize the fermentation process of their health wine, from which the total phenolic and flavonoids content and antioxidant activities were determined. The experimental results showed that the optimal fermentation conditions were: with the addition of 10% Schisandra extract and 3% yeast, fermented at 28 ℃ for 6 days. Under above conditions, the color of the liquor was bright and radiant, with the unique harmony fragrance of medical herbs and liquor aroma. Finally, the result showed that alcohol content was 12.8% (vol), the sensory score was 89 points, and the total acid content (in lactic acid) was 4.4 g/L. The sugar (with glucose) was 63.0 g/L, and the flavonoids and total phenol content were 13.29 mg/L and 413.00 mg/L, respectively. The results of antioxidant assay showed that the sample had preferable FRAP reduction activity. In addition, the DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging rates were 92.38% and 95.20%, respectively. After the sample was diluted ten folds, the OH radical scavenging rate reached 91.54%.

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