

The potato yogurt was developed with milk powder and potato as raw materials. The effects on the fermentation process of yogurt were studied, including fermentation time, fermentation temperature and inoculation amount, and the optimum fermentation conditions were determined. The influence of stirring speed, stirring time and the amount of potato pulp addition on the mixing process was also studied, and the optimum technological conditions of agitation were determined. The moisture content, pH, acidity, water holding capacity, texture and rheology of potato yogurt during storage were determined, and the quality changes during storage were studied. Results: The optimal fermentation conditions were: inoculation amount of 0.02%, fermentation temperature 41 ℃, and fermentation time 4.5 h. The best mixing technology were: potato pulp adding amount 25.5%, stirring speed 90 r/min, stirring time 25 min. In the storage period, the indexes of potato yogurt have a certain degree of change, but the change range is smaller compared with the control group, which shows the quality is more stable.

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