In order to shorten the germination cycle of brown rice and increase the content of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the effects of aeration coercion, metal ion coercion and double stress treatment on brown rice (Zhen waxy rice 19) were studied. The effects of the content, germination rate and bud length showed that the aeration treatment during the whole germination process can significantly accelerate the germination rate of brown rice and increase the content of GABA in brown rice in the late germination stage. However, it would lead to the buds being too long. Aeration treatment for 9 h can effectively control the bud length of 0.2 cm while increasing GABA content. The coercion germination with calcium ion (Ca2+) or aluminum ion (Al3+) can greatly increase the content of GABA in germinated brown rice. When the Ca2+ solution concentration was 35 mmol/L, the GABA growth rate reached 44.3%. The optimum conditions for the germination of double coercion treatment were as follows: brown rice immersed in 35 mmol/L Ca2+ solution for 21 h and then ventilated with 1.5 L/min for 9 h. The germination process lasted for a total of 30 h. Under this condition, the content of γ-aminobutyric acid reached 28.18 mg/100 g which was 64.42% higher than that of normal germination for 36 h and the germination rate increased 2.65%. It can be seen that the double coercion treatment with both aeration and metal ions can significantly increase GABA content and shorten germination cycle.
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Ying, ZHANG; Jian, HE; Tao, WANG; Ren, WANG; and Zhengxing, CHEN
"Effects of coercion germination with aeration and metal irons on the enrichment of γ-aminobutyric acid in germinated brown rice,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 35:
5, Article 10.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2019.05.010
Available at:
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