In order to clarify the effect of ice-temperature storage on the quality of grape fruit, the quality of Italian grape was studied under four different storage temperatures: super-ice temperature (-3 ℃ and -2 ℃), ice temperature (-1 ℃) and ordinary low temperature (4 ℃). The results showed that the contents of chlorophyll, titratable acid and vitamin C of Italian grapes stored at -3 ℃ were relatively high, which could maintain the nutritional components of grapes well and help grapes to maintain better color and taste during storage.
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Zhe, ZHANG; Qiuyue, ZHANG; Huaiwen, WANG; Xu, GUO; Ping, ZHANG; Zhiqiang, ZHU; Jinjin, TIAN; and Sasa, WANG
"Effect of ice temperature storage on postharvest grape fruit quality,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 35:
5, Article 28.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2019.05.028
Available at:
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