

To study the effect of collagen/chitosan antibacterial sponge pad with clove oil on the quality change of tray-packed salmon meat during storage, fresh salmon meat was packaged in antibacterial sponge pad covered PE film, PP pad covered PE film and only covered with PE film. After stored at 4 ℃, with sensory evaluation, weight loss rate, pH value, color difference value, texture value, volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), the total number of colonies as evaluation indicators, the preservation effect of antibacterial sponge pad on fresh salmon was investigated. The results showed that, during the cold storage period, the sensory scores of salmon meat in each group showed a downward trend. Moreover, the weight loss rate, color difference, TVB-N and the total number of colonies showed an upward trend; the pH value first decreased and then increased. Except for the weight loss rate, the indexes of the antibacterial sponge pad group were superior to those of the PP pad group and the blank group. The antibacterial sponge pad could extend the shelf life of fresh salmon meat for 2 to 4 days.

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