In order to explore the color, fragrance and taste quality of Yunnan broken black tea, it provides a reference of the quality characteristics of domestic broken black tea in this study. This study collected 14 Yunnan broken black tea and analyzed the quality from sensory evaluation, color difference, aroma components, and physical and chemical ingredients. The results showed that the 14 sample tea soups were mainly red and bright, and the color differences L*, a*, and b* were -22.50 to -12.28, 9.09~23.80, 62.09~164.40, respectively. The amounts of TF, TF-3G, TF-3'G and TFDG were 0.146%~0.209%, 0.108%~0.225%, 0.041%~0.109%, 0.056%~0.177%; respectively. The aroma was pure, and the main aroma component detected by GC-MS was benzaldehyde (1.291%~11.747%), linalool oxide I (1.705%~6.394%), linalool oxide II (4.950%~14.094%), linalool (10.070%~45.471%), and methyl salicylate (7.255%~28.142%). The taste is mainly strong, the amounts of water extract, polyphenols, and free amino acids are 30.511%~36.422%, 10.198%~17.280%, 3.022%~4.443%, respectively. The alkaloids and the components of catechin, amino acid and sugar are also important components of the taste quality of tea soup. The sensory quality of Yunnan broken black tea is closely related to the color difference, volatile components, and physical and chemical components. It also shows that the components of tea can reflect the sensory quality characteristics to a certain extent by correlation analysis, and there is a certain correlation between the components and sensory quality. The composition and content of components can reflect the sensory quality characteristics to a certain extent. The level of material content may be related to the origin and processing technology and other factors, which provides a reference for the study of the quality characteristics of domestic broken black tea.
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Yangbo, ZHANG; Zhonghua, LIU; Tiantian, RAO; Shi, LI; Xingchang, OU; Huimin, AN; Yifan, XIONG; Wenxiong, LI; Hongjian, JIANG; and Jianan, HUANG
"Analysis of quality characteristics of Yunnan broken black tea by color, fragrance and tasty,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 35:
8, Article 7.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2019.08.007
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