

The fruit of Jiefang zhong loquat was fumigated with 10, 20, 50 μmol/L MeJA for 8 hours. The effects of MeJA treatment on the postharvest quality of loquat during (4±1) ℃ cold storage were studied by measuring the respiratory intensity, weight loss rate, ethylene release rate, decay rate and TSS, total sugar, VC and TA content. The results showed that 20 μmol/L MeJA fumigation inhibited the respiratory intensity, reduced the weight loss rate and ethylene release rate in the early stage, maintained the content of total sugar, VC and TA, TSS content in the late stage. Based on the concentration effect of exogenous MeJA, 10 μmol/L MeJA fumigation had no significant effect on reducing the weight loss rate, while 50 μmol/L fumigation had no significant effect on maintaining VC, total sugar, TA, TSS content. Combine all the factors, 20 μmol/L MeJA treatment had a positive effect on postharvest quality of loquat fruit.

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