In recent years, with the increase of consumer demand for plant-based, vegetarian and convenient food, the researches and development of beverage products from cereals, such as oats and rice et al. were also increased rapidly, different from their traditional use for staple food. In this study, the products and industrial development of plant-based cereal beverages at home and abroad were reviewed. The selection of raw materias, key technology, core problems affecting the product quality and the improvement of techniques during the process of plant-based cereal drinks were elaborated in detail. Finally, the future research and development of plant-based cereal beverages were prospected.
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LIU, Ting-yu; ZHOU, Su-mei; LIU, Li-ya; and YI, Cui-ping
"Advances in research and industrial development of plant-based cereal beverage,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 36:
10, Article 4.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2020.10.004
Available at:
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