To explore the effects of the roasting process on the quality of green tea used as raw materials in the industrial production of green tea beverages and to optimize the roasting process, steamed green tea was roasted using a roaster and an oven, respectively. Effects of roasting temperature, roasting time, and the dosage of additional water on the sensory quality, contents of major chemical components, and the composition of volatile components of green tea were analyzed. The roasting process of green tea using roaster and oven was optimized using the orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the odor of grass was removed from green tea and its aroma was significantly enhanced after roasting. Additionally, the astringency of green tea infusion was decreased and its taste was remarkably improved. However, the contents of tea polyphenols, free amino acids, and soluble carbohydrates showed a decreasing trend during roasting. Moreover, green tea roasted by a roaster showed a stronger aroma as well as higher contents of major chemical components and volatile compounds that contributed to the roasting aroma than those roasted by an oven, but the latter showed better infusion color and taste. The optimal quality of green tea was achieved after being roasted at 140 ℃ for 10 min via a roaster with 18% of additional water or roasted at 140 ℃ for 5 h using an oven with 15% of additional water.
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HUANG, Bin-zhang; LIN, Xiao-rong; CHEN, Zhong-zheng; ZHANG, Yuan-yuan; LIU, Xiao-hui; LUO, Long-xin; and LI, Bin
"Effect of roasting process on the quality of tea used in green-tea beverages,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 36:
11, Article 32.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2020.11.032
Available at:
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