

In order to explore the effect of adding gardenia fruit, a traditional Chinese medicine with dual function of food and medicine, on the quality of yogurt, ferrmentation characteristics and functional properties were investigated. The effects of GE on the number of live bacteria, acidity, water holding capacity and viscosity of yogurt during fermentation were evaluated, and the antibacterial activity, antioxidant activity, lactic acid bacteria's tolerance to simulated gastrointestinal fluid and volatilization were measured after the fermentation was completed. The results showed that the proper amount of GE could improve the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of yogurt, enhance the tolerance of lactic acid bacteria to simulated gastrointestinal fluid, inhibit the post-acidification of yogurt, and had a certain inhibitory effect on the post-acidification of yogurt. Moreover, the color of GE-added yogurt showed a very beautiful egg yolk color, because GE is rich in natural functional pigments including saffron acid and saffron, with the concentrations of (183.000±5.800) and (108.000±3.500) mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, the composition of volatile flavor substances in yogurt has also been significantly improved by GE adding.

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