

The effects of oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and sports drink solutions (SDS) on the hydration and metabolism of experimental rats during high temperature exercise were compared. The results showed that the hemoglobin level of the two groups increased significantly, and the sweating rate and dehydration rate had no significant difference. In the two treated groups, the change of plasma volume was significant difference, and the blood glucose content was significantly higher than that of the control group. After exercise, the fat oxidation in SDS was lower than that in ors. However, no difference was found between groups of ORS and SDS in the capacity of body fluid retention when water was replenished during the high temperature exercise. This indicated that the amount of fluid ingested during exercise in hot environment might be more important than the content of beverage. Sports drinks could maintain better blood glucose level. In the case of limited CHO intake during the long-time and high-intensity work, such as in continuous exercise or outdoor work, sports drink intake was a better choice. The results of the study will provide reasonable suggestions for the safety work and physical performance of athletes, military personnel and outdoor high-intensity workers.

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