

The raw materials of Paocai after sterilization were inoculated with Weissella cibaria NCU034005 and Leuconostoc citreum NCU027003, and fermented for 7 days at room temperature. The volatile and non-volatile substances (glucose, organic acids, amino acids, etc.), pH, and odor activity value in the Paocai liquid were detected during the fermentation. The results showed that the pH value of Paocai inoculated with W. cibaria NCU034005 and L. citreum NCU027003 dropped to varying degrees, and two strains of lactic acid bacteria have different metabolic capacity for carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that metabolites and flavors in Paocai inoculated with NCU034005 were significantly different from that inoculated wit NCU027003, and different lactobacillus species had their own representative metabolites and flavor factors. This study showed that W. cibaria NCU034005 and L. citreum NCU027003 had significant effects on Paocai metabolites and flavor.

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